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Rheumatology & Allergy Clinical Epidemiology Research Center

The Rheumatology & Allergy Clinical Epidemiology Research Center (RACER) at Massachusetts General Hospital conducts research related to allergic and rheumatologic diseases using clinical research methods.


Clinical Trials


Large Data


RACER Overview

The Division of Rheumatology, Allergy, and Immunology (DRAI) RACER is located within Mass General Department of Medicine’s Mongan Institute

What type of research do we perform?

What kind of methods do we utilize?


Mongan Institute Launched

Supported by the Department of Medicine, in conjunction with clinical research leadership at MGB, the Mongan Institute brings together research and training programs related to population and health care delivery research


Rheumatology, Allergy, and Immunology Clinical Epidemiology Program (RAICEP) Established

Under the direction of Drs. Kimberly Blumenthal and Hyon Choi, the program collaborates on research and training focused on allergic and rheumatologic diseases using clinical research methods that include advanced informatics, clinical epidemiology, primary data collection, and simulation science


Rheumatology & Allergy Clinical Epidemiology Research Center (RACER) Rebranding

Program rebranded under the leadership of Drs. Kimberly Blumenthal and Zachary Wallace

2025 (Present)

RACER continues to grow

With the appointment of new Co-Director, Dr. April Jorge, RACER now has 11 researchers, 4 data analysts, and 14 clinical research coordinators contributing to more than 20 studies in the fields of rheumatology and allergy